[Quartz crystal microbalance with dissipation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quartz_crystal_microbalance_with_dissipation_monitoring) (QCM-D) is an advanced technique that enables real-time screening …
**Suggestion Description**
This job could essentially work the same as Vicodin/Xanax, but it would replace the drugs with counterfeit cash and every trade would take your dirty money and replace it w…
## Hardware
* [X] ESP8266
* [ ] ESP32
* [ ] Raspberry Pi
Modelname: ______
Retailer URL: ______
### nRF24L01+ Module
* [X] nRF24L01+ you verified this is a **Plus model** capable of t…
Not 100% sure if this is specific to gex, or go modules binary tools more generally. If a tool has a top-level main binary and uses versioned module support, the naming pulls the version, not the libr…
## Hardware
* [ ] ESP8266
* [X] ESP32
* [ ] Raspberry Pi
Modelname: OpenDTU Fusion
Retailer URL: https://shop.allianceapps.io/products/allianceapps-opendtu-fusion
### nRF24L01+ Module
# Abstract
Given a k > 1 counterfeit coins (all of the same weight lighter than true coins)
among n >> k coins, devise a quantum algorithm that uses a quantum balance, to weigh coins and identify…
what: a new shielded pool, and a turnstile process that allows public accounting of the total amount of coin that moves out of the previous two shielded pools (the Sprout shielded pool and the first S…
In my Go project, I have some go generate directives that look like this:
//go:generate go run github.com/maxbrunsfeld/counterfeiter/v6 -generate
Unfortunately, this bypasses bingo's…
example while scanning this file it crashes:
2020-03-18 03:04:18.328 T:9388 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Found episode match rar://rar%3a%2f%2fG%253a%255crar3%255ctv%255cThe%2520Americans%25202013%255…
kraaa updated
4 years ago
## Hardware
* [x ] ESP8266
* [ ] ESP32
* [ ] Raspberry Pi
Modelname: _HM350_____
Retailer URL: ______
### nRF24L01+ Module
* [ x] nRF24L01+ you verified this is a **Plus model** capab…