I am trying to optimize parameters for recording a full 10 cm plate for 1 hr with images taken every 10 s. So the worms are quite small and the distance between a given worm in frame N and frame N + 1…
Post questions about the following exemplary reading here:
Nelson, Laura K. 2015. “[Persistent Political Logics: Geographical Differences and Temporal Continuities within the Women’s Moevements in …
- Directory containing all data needed to reproduce paper. All files should be under (I no longer have access to the grid): /exp/abenton/twitter_brand_workspace_20190417/
1. Pathak, Ajeet Ram, Basant Agarwal, Manjusha Pandey & Siddharth Rautaray. 2019. “[Application of Deep Learning Approaches for Sentiment Analysis](https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-15…
Build the infrastructure required to create and publish scientific output that is more than a simple, static document. To make this a success two things are needed:
This openscienceprize project will…
Hi, can you share about the data preprocessing, as an example of monuseg, how to get the labels in png form from the original xml file?
Based on the Vox article, I think we need a way to rate the quality of articles, specifically along the lines of their scientific rigor and completeness. I don't think this is something that can be do…
Generally if you've been to a system you can count on the data you import being somewhat correct, but the same can't be said for data from EDDN.
There should be some way to hide / ignore said data, or…
Azure Open AI is services from Auzure platform for Generative AI
Here we can perform search
I has APIs using REST, we can
Dense Captions. : For every Item detected in the image, it can genera…