@plazi/arcadia-2 please add ideas, topics you want to disucss and bring up at the Sprint in this issue.
# Suggestions for topics to be discussed in the Sprint
* add flag to treatments regarding …
DataCamp added vietnamese, arabic, thailand,... subtitles (although it's not good), can you update these?
How can I update only new subtitles for courses/tracks I have downloaded previously?
There are a number of arguments in the `foverlaps()` function that are not yet implemented:
- [x] `type = "equal"` - #3416
- [ ] `maxgap`
- [ ] `minoverlap`
Along with a few requested featu…
This page let's you test out regular expressions. Do we already have a chapter about the importance of regular expressions? We should.
I found this link in the DataCamp Course "Intermediate R - Pract…
I shelled out for the half-price DataCamp unlimited deal.
Several of us were thinking of watching a few tutorials at NCEAS, with popcorn of course, here and there in Feb. If you are interested, let …
# Exploratory analysis of big biological data in R (a short course)
## Pre-learning
- Datacamp
## Classes
1. Tidy data. dplyr.
2. More tidy data. tidyr. ggplot2.
3. Genomics example…
* https://happygitwithr.com/
* https://resources.rstudio.com/programming/happy-git-and-gihub-for-the-user-tutorial-jenny-bryan
* http://r-pkgs.had.co.nz/git.html
* https://www.datacamp.com/courses/…
We assign "Female" first when setting the levels:
# Question
It was a though day at work :/ Now you are at home and all you want to do is to eat something.
Ohh ,nooo!!Fridge is empty !Then ,let's order a hotdog.Nowadays you eat lots of junk food.Yo…