At https://dephy.io/introduction.html are many things _in crowd_.
Hello dear,
I need you're light (if i am in wrong place i apologize).
If i use MAX485 i can have until 32 device's to talk each other,but with you're lovely library we can have much more devices…
Dear Sir,
When I used the command below to calculate TMB, it happens to some error:
python ../../bin/pyTMB.py \
-i ./629066_190229.snp_indel.filter.vcf \
--effGenomeSize 33280000\
Create a Script where we can use the AI model for PV overproduction prediction and integrate it with Combinder API, in order to interact with physical devices (Air Conditioning Unit)
D/MediaCodecInfo(21447): NoSupport [codec.profileLevel, avc1.F4001E, video/avc] [OMX.qcom.video.decoder.avc, video/avc] [N1, N1s, Hisense, 23]
D/MediaCodecInfo(21447): NoSupport [codec.profileLeve…
## 公司/团队介绍
Web3 Depin+智能硬件赛道,已获融资,产品已上线。
## 薪资福利待遇
## 地点
- 工作地点:深圳/remote
- 联系方式:buptdaniel2017@gmail.com
## 工作性质
- 是否全职:是
- 是否远程:可选
## 岗位要求、职责
1. 负责Web3项目的X运营和 TG、D…
What are the results of the implementation?
I constantly update the group and guide them in Group I made,.
In my Page that generates 100,000 traffics monthly, I also make Education Contents so peopl…
### 1. Project/dApp Name
Reign Alter World : Hunter
### 2. Description of your project
🎮 Reign Alter World [RAW] : Hunter, Next generation of Survival MMORPG where you can hunt, gather, grow,…