Current "distraction free" mode re-purposes the mainwindow and changes it to look more simple. This breaks when we add all kind of widgets to the main window. Better implementation would be to popup a…
최대한 글 읽기에 집중할 수 있도록 구조를 최적화한다.
글을 읽는 것과 직접적인 연관이 없는 기능(사실 상 포매팅 제외한 모든 부가적인 기능들)들은 _비활성화_ 하거나 _읽기가 끝날 때_ 까지 숨긴다.
When I write, I like to write in a "distraction-free" environment. Such a mode
would be very useful for keepnote. When pressing a certain key (F11?), it
should go full-screen, and maybe also app…
I understand not having links enabled for regular pages, as to be distraction-free. But this is a problem for disambiguaton pages.
For example, search for `slips` and you'll end up on a page that shou…
Starting the next WordPress release distraction free mode will be available for the site editor as well.
This is an important milestone for this feature proving its usefulness - albeit as a niche,…
It would be great to have a distraction free mode, something along the lines of [iA Writer ](https://ia.net/writer/mac/) minimal view (or the preview mode itself).
## Issue Description
WordPress 6.2 introduces distraction free mode and the current distraction free writing experience is missing this important new feature.
## URL of the Page with the Issue
First off all: Thanks for building this amazing tool! It is really helpful in learning steno 😊
Playing around with other learning/typing tools I had the idea of a distraction free mode for TypeyTy…
When I write, I like to write in a "distraction-free" environment. Such a mode
would be very useful for keepnote. When pressing a certain key (F11?), it
should go full-screen, and maybe also app…
Dear all,
Some emails come with a bunch of hard to read design and formatting.
I wish to remove all of this and focus on the pure content.
What do you think of a distraction-free reading mode?