TF 2.0 Support eager mode by default, easy to debug. Also, UnifiedLSTM is really cool.
I have run train.py with this config and after 13 epoch I still get 0 fscore.
"label_type": "multi_label",
"hierarchical": true,
My aim is to make a five-category text classification
I am running transformers fine tuning bert with `cnnbase` model but my program stops at `loss.backward()` without any prompt in `cmd`.
I de…
It seems that the convolution kernel parameters of different convolutional layers are the same(self.conv3 = nn.Conv2d(self.channel_size, self.channel_size, (3, 1), stride=1)), what is purpose?
I am proposing to change keras to tf.keras for better performance, better serving and add TPU support. Maybe we should re-write the whole project, clean up the code, add missing documents and so on.
Thank you very much for releasing the code.
I'm having a hard time reading https://github.com/riejohnson/ConText/blob/master/examples/dpcnn-functions.sh are the weight of the convolution units inte…
tf.app.flags.DEFINE_string("ckpt_dir","./predictor/checkpoint/","checkpoint location for the model")
tf.app.flags.DEFINE_string("model","text_cnn","name of model:han,text_cnn,dp_cnn,c_gru,c_g…
tensorflow.python.framework.errors_impl.DataLossError: Checksum does not match: stored 2982177973 vs. calculated on the restored bytes 1718988051