## Welcome and Introduction
Welcome to the Veteran's Administration (VA) Veteran Facing Services (VFS) team!
As a new VFS team member, you will be working in the web ecosystem we call the VA.gov Pl…
Hi, love this ANCOM-BC wrapper. Unfortunately, the current version does not loop properly...the outputted dataframe does not store all possible combinations, it just stores something similar to the AN…
## Welcome and Introduction
Welcome to the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Veteran Facing Services (VFS) team!
As a new VFS team member, you will be working in the web ecosystem we call the VA.go…
## What
An alert that interrupts the user flow with important information and must be acknowledged before continuing.
## Why
## Anything else
Draft guidance here below:
When to use this p…
## What
Help users manage their personal data by telling them when you store cookies on their device.
## Why
We must have users consent to store cookies or similar technologies on their device
Use this issue to discuss the [accordion component in the GOV.UK Design System](https://design-system.service.gov.uk/components/accordion/).
Use this issue to discuss [this component in the GOV.UK Design System](https://govuk-design-system-production.cloudapps.digital/component/checkboxes/).
## What
Help users tell you that they've understood or agree to something.
## Why
This is used on many government services including:
- [Register to vote](https://www.gov.uk/register-to-vo…
- Validate that our public key works
Core ticket - https://github.com/department-of-veterans-affairs/va.gov-team/issues/66679
Package: `scipy/special/specfun`
Resposible subroutine:
C ====================================================
C Purpose: C…