The far left coil is the deactivated prop and is behaving properly. The other three are all activated yet none spark except the one on the far right which I've only pulled from the library and not pla…
- gammas
- electrons
- photo-hadron-production of myons
- photo-pair-production of muons
I used following for particle boundary conditions (#5131)
boundary.particle_lo = Absorbing periodic
boundary.particle_hi = thermal periodic
using following for fields
With the release of space age and multiple buildings being able to craft the same recipes with different productivity. It has become important to be able to select which building a recipe is crafted i…
It might sound finicky, but I would like to reduce the electromagnetic emissions from the RFID reader.
I build a speaker with an RFID reader inside and kids are putting their heads on it, I don't …
Good afternoon
I am using the U2D2 Power Hub to control two dynamixel motors. First I controlled them using the dynamixel wizard software to check everything was correct and then I make my applica…
It would be nice to code up the stress-energy tensor of the EM field. Actually the electromagnetic tensor (the Faraday tensor) might be interesting.
Unit 1: Mechanics
Chapter 1: Units and Measurement
Chapter 2: Vectors
Chapter 3: Motion Along a Straight Line
Chapter 4: Motion in Two and Three Dimensions
Chapter 5: Newton’s Laws of Motio…
If you put in a first and last name before a keyword (unfielded) the search system is unable to retrieve relevant results, in some cases only finding a single or no document (e.g. for stephanie jarmak…
Change the serialization of photons to the approach used in faradays-electromagnetic-lab. See for example `HeavyParticle.HeavyParticleIO`. This will eliminate the need to use PhetioGroup. Note that …