currently, we have no UI to show or explore details of schools. We should design some sort of way such that when you're looking at a school (such as when you've selected it in the schools page), there…
Got a message this morning that it updated to 1.2.2, but it's:
- not auto-downloading like it used to.
-It doesn't even seem to be taking attendance during the meeting, show everyone as absent. I…
- Parents
- Not-yet parents
- Market Basket
- What would you want to get in a Welcome Basket? (drawing of a basket, post-its with ideas, etc)
- Plan for June…
For each Census Tract, we need metrics for at least:
- [x] Poverty Rate
- [x] Total Population
- [x] Health Insurance Coverage
- [ ] Housing Density (multi family housing units?)
- [x] Population Unde…
国家中小学网络云平台 http://ykt.eduyun.cn/
- 一年级课程学习页面:http://tongbu.eduyun.cn/tbkt/tbktxx11/index.html
学而思 https://xueersi.com/s25?switch_grade=25&switch_subject=-1
vipkid 中文
- [X] Pan
- [x] Locations: Places that streets lead to and are associated with systems (i.e. factory, schools)
- [x] Street based agent navigation
- [ ] ~~Zoom~~ (Not possible with DearPy…
who does NOT see the end of the world, is reading the wrong news (blue pills)
what news do i read? who do i trust?
continue #32
see also #56 (german version)
## What's the problem?
Wordplay, as a programming language and sharing platform, does little to help teachers structure, plan, and teach computing. Here are a small --- and likely incomplete --- li…
A discussion board on research ideas for the final project.
Based on this feedback, let's develop a new version of the mission video: