Draw ERD with fully attributes of all entities and relationship between them
suggestion to replace existing Figure 10.1 for more visual/logical learners
looking forward to …
## Description
ERD 설계
## Changes
### ERD
## Additional context
와이어프레임 확정 전까지 변경 가능성 높음
Priority: High
Description: Complete the foundational database setup, which is critical for backend and front-end data integration in later weeks.
**Establish a well-defined database schema with both…
All need to be included in the design report:
Video Link; ERD; List of database schema (table names & attributes) with an explanation on how it translates to ERD; Analysis showing database schema is i…
- Find erd in this figma: https://www.figma.com/board/5Z3Mx3ZC2TUn1PByVNXxtI/Brainstorm-%26-basic-info-%2F-%5Bnew-one%5D?node-id=0-1&node-type=canvas&t=c6YvfCGIWPYBMOdu-0
- Rename classes as appropri…
**Describe the solution you'd like**
Currently, the auto layout in ERD places the nodes correctly but links are:
1. Not always right angled.
2. Goes behind the nodes.
3. Does not switch sides to g…