Hi! Thanks for having this amazing project! Is it possible to open-source the evaluation code? I understand the code depends on [ltu](https://github.com/YuanGongND/ltu/tree/main/src/ltu/eval)
I gen…
Can _evaluation_loop use SyncDataCollector for non vectorized envs so that the evaluation is also parallel?
While running on Melting Pot envs, increasing n_envs_per_worker definitely improves execu…
Hi... I want to evaluation your model on nuscenes on single gpu, but I failed... I get a key error when I'm fetching data.
I have updated my transformers into 4.46.0, but the inference speed is extremely slow. Is there any solution?
What should we use in HVAC evaluations? @ozanbarism
Like in `scripted_compare_models.py` what should we be asking the LLM and then how to rank results?
This is not an issue.
This thread tracks all the results from nightly evaluations introduced in https://github.com/All-Hands-AI/OpenHands/pull/4489.
Hi, I am working on reproducing the quantitative results (Table 1) from the paper and have a couple of questions:
1. on Validity of the final output
Following the current code flow, it seems tha…
How to evaluate the model? I didn't see the evaluation code.
I greatly appreciate your work and am glad to have come across your article in the field of 3D reconstruction. While reproducing your work, I couldn't locate the evaluation metrics for testing. Could …
I am trying to replicate the evaluation results for AP10k test set using Vitpose+-Base as reported in the paper and the repo.
![Screenshot from 2024-10-29 17-35-51](https://github.com/user-atta…