Before fact checking:
ChemicalCompoundElement 0.482 0.457 0.465
CompanyParentOrganization 0.745 0.760 0.748
CountryBordersWithCountry 0.631 0.625 0.619
CountryOfficialLanguage 0.623 …
See proposal [circulated](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-schemaorg/2020Jan/0000.html), Monday, 6 January 2020 "fact-checking images and videos: a proposal Dan Brickley":
```Bill Adair …
Will need to be in coordination with digital media and in the docs since the fact-check embed isn't what's index…
When user is adding a PropositionAppearance, have an option to start a FactCheck/Review of the source. If the user adds a second PropositionAppearance consecutively from the same source, popup a sugge…
Consider changing coordinate locator for calculator in brownfield sites data (see this[ post](https://www.linkedin.com/posts/simon-wrigley_gis-geospatial-coordinates-activity-7083092181799825409-Ltvk?…
Youtube enables to share a video starting at a timestamp.
Taking into account the timestamp passed in a CaptainFact url like https://captainfact.io/videos/4Bxv?t=300 and make the youtube url start…
I have a conversation text where multiple user details are discussed like for an example there is discussion on who is John,where does he live,what is his age etc .Like this multiple user deta…
**Description:** Service users have warned that brownfield land data has lots of entities with points well outside of England. It appears that these are correctly being identified by the pipeline as d…
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A side-effect of the new consensus is the fact that a node needs to become active to unlock contract funds. Usually that happens either implicitly when renewing a contract or the host does it after a …