Hello, I have been using your module good morning to pull financial data. I have been using your class FinancialsDownloader to get the annual financial statements from morningstar. I was wondering i…
The tsla's financial statements--(income,balance sheet,cash flow) shown on the web when you open the link below:
It says in the bottom of t…
Replaced the token for the _R&O system selectable (to _RO) and did a find/replace for on-sheet tokens. It took deleting both scenarios then replacing them before the name values would change on run. B…
Disabled VBA by commenting code and saving file as .xlsx
There is a boom of IPO in Indian Share Market.
Multiple IPOs come and go.
We forgot to apply.
It would be wonderful if we get daily alerts of ONLY active IPOs.
With Financial Statements, IPO size,…
Display Dollar Signs in front of General Fund Balance and Long Term Debt.
Display Dollar Signs is front of the amounts in all three columns on the first row and total row of the Revenue and Expenditu…
Description: Integrate inventory tracking with accounting functions.
Develop inventory item management
Implement inventory valuation methods (FIFO, LIFO, Average Cost)
Create inventory re…