**In broad terms, what are you trying to do?**
Calculate binding free energies using expanded ensemble simulations, AWH, or potentially simple "array of lambda" simulations. Hamiltonian replic…
The hydration example refers to binding free energies of toluene in T4 lysozyme.
You should take the fraction_contacts_expectation function in secondary_structure.py as the example. Instead of passing in a native contact list and a distance cutoff, you pass in a general function …
We should eventually include vibrational calculations so that we can compute free energies, etc.
Dear OpenMM team,
I am looking for a package/tutorial to do protein-protein binding free energies. I have found plenty of alchemical methods for protein-ligand but none for protein-protein. Any poi…
I've been using YANK (0.23.4) to simulate a protein-ligand system (6069 atoms and water box and around 100 replicas for both the complex and solvent phase), on a system with two GTX 1080Ti GPUs, and s…
@jchodera will draft a proposal on this issue for representing free energies and uncertainties (of various flavors) that generalize well across different alchemical protocols. We'll use that proposal …
[Ruiter, Anita de, and Chris Oostenbrink. “Advances in the Calculation of Binding Free Energies.” *Current Opinion in Structural Biology* 61 (2020): 207–12.](https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sbi.2020.01.016)
cramg updated
3 years ago
[Hayes, Joseph M., and Georgios Archontis. "MM-GB (PB) SA calculations of protein-ligand binding free energies." Molecular Dynamics-Studies of Synthetic and Biological Macromolecules (2012): 171-190](…
cramg updated
3 years ago
We need to decide on the rest of the figures for the paper.
For example, we will need to summarize results of constant-pH simulations of complexes and their impact on free energies.