## 📝 리팩토링 설명
FSD 아키텍처 적용
## ✅ TODO
- [ ] 폴더 구조 변경
## 📚 ETC
- https://emewjin.github.io/feature-sliced-design/
could you give the fsd_common_msgs pkg?
This should probably be implemented outside of the FSD plugin, since it's not exclusive to FSD. I'm not sure if it's best to create another native plugin or have this rule in "Steiger core"
The ide…
Latest CM3 runs (e.g. `cm3-run-16-09-2024`) have a net TOA energy flux around 2.7 W/m^2 initially.
Met Office GC5 AMIP runs were tuned to give the desired radiation balance at N216, not N96. The tu…
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