So, I've been working on cleaning up the main, and I've gotten to a point where I used functional programming, which bypasses the need to overload a function a billion times. The function replaces the…
┆Issue is synchronized with this [Trello card](https://trello.com/c/c8nKvT6w) by [Unito](https://www.unito.io)
Here's an article about [Function Programming](https://medium.com/swlh/a-new-java-functional-style-f522dad40d32) in Java.
It talks about what we have already covered in lectures; read it as a way t…
🕜 2024.03.19
### Functional Programming
- 함수형 프로그래밍이 무엇인지 설명해보세요.
- 고차 함수가 무엇인지 설명해보세요.
- Swift Standard Library의 map, filter, reduce, compactMap, flatMap에 대하여 설명해보세요.
- map이 뭔가요? 쉽게 설명해보세요.
### Title
Functional MRI Analysis of Connectivity and Network Dynamics of central fatigue in Multiple Sclerosis disease
### Leaders
Alberto Benelli
### Collaborators
_No response_
### Brainhack …
# Book Reviewing and Discussion Database
# Lit Connect
Our project allows users to interact with various books, rate them out of 5 stars, and have discussions with other young scholars in a chat b…
* Structs & Enums + Protocols
* Immutability
* Composition over inheritance
* Pure functional programming concepts
* Concurrency: actors + async/await
* SwiftData
I am Working on Admin Panel which has 30-40 Master table which contains CRUD functionality.
There are few masters which I need to call again and again in different masters. Eg we need to call country…
1. **this**
2. **immutable** data objects using a linter
3. **immutable** objects and **collections**
4. data transformations using core operations like **filter, map, sort, or reduce**
5. use sta…