This is an implementation of faster fraction-free LU solve and its use in computing the inverse of a matrix. Fraction-free algorithms are much faster for matrices with polynomial entries as they can e…
The `int Mesh::gaussj(BoutReal **a, int n)` in [mesh.cxx](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/blob/master/src/mesh/mesh.cxx) may have a high condition number, which scales badly with increasing nu…
某些可能和这个该死的 issue 有关的事情:
+ 为什么说是关于 __某__(高斯-约当)消元法?
+ 为什么要开这个 issue?
Telegram 之前上的 MTProto 代理,真舒服,结果最后我从网上随便找的 Proxy 现在全部爆炸了(估计是人太多挤炸了)(现在我越发展系统管理的…
1. A* 搜索算法
1. 集束搜索(又…
### Bug description
**Notebook Cell 5** error: The Mojo REPL has crashed and attempted recovery. If the REPL behaves inconsistently, please restart to ensure correct behavior.
expression failed to p…
**The original title was "Model where simplification fails badly", but the thread has become a very valuable discussion around optimizations and improvements.**
Simplification of this (alrea…
for the below system (in augmented form):
[[0, 3.00000000000000, 5], [0, -1, -1.6666666666666667]]
here y=5/3 and x is a free variable
so ideally the functions should return {sym2: 5/3}
I th…
Thank you making the library open sourse.
We met some trouble when running two tests of smt2 on linux terminal with command "z3 -smt2 neos-799716.smt2" and "z3 -smt2 mod011.smt2".
**Describe the bug**
As per the proposed (expanded) gflow finding algorithm outlined in [M. Backens et al.](https://arxiv.org/abs/2003.01664), there is an issue with the current implementation with…