you have one in gnssir but not quickLook. why is that?
possible variables:
daily_avg would be median filter and required tracks
subdaily could be knots
if stored in the json, they would be used, but could be overriden by online parameters.
they really shouldn't be. originally i kept them that way so that i could be sure to keep all the nice features that david purnell had in his code. now that it has been running for over a year, we s…
System (please complete the following information):
OS: [e.g. macOS, windows, etc...] Linux
Method you are running the code:
Locally via `pip install gnssrefl`
**Describe the bug**
I have a…
It just says they don't exist and they are there.
should progress to next day
hint: try/catch exception
I'm trying to output the results of subdaily to a csv file instead of the nominal txt file. I've tried using -csvfile True and -csv True but nothing changes and I keep getting the output as txt files.…
I'm having trouble running the invsnr code properly. I have gotten all my data from nmea into snr format and have been able to successfully run quicklook, gnssir, dailyavg and subdaily without …
Disclaimer! This is the first time I am making a bug report. Hopefully it will be readable, please send feedback on how the report has been written.
System (please complete the following informatio…
OS: Linux / Ubuntu 20.04
Method you are running the code: Locally via github
**Describe the bug**
I was using an installation a few months old, and was facing this error using make_json_input. I …