I want to control GPIO on the CB1. I saw that it is possible with [gpiod](https://wiki.radxa.com/Gpiod). In my case, pin names don't appear but there are more than 300 pin and without the alias I can'…
Next steps include finding a way to get gpio access without having to be super user, Willie found this that we can make use of: https://github.com/awesometic/WiringPi-gpiod which has non su access to …
Occasionally (say, 1 in every 10 boots) my SL3A will get ENXIO returned on the gpiod_to_irq in the ssh module.
Using my usb keyboard to unload/reload the module has it init properly later, so I'm …
Thanks for this fantastic piece of software !
I tried to update to the latest version of Signal k to use Setalk on rpi 5, and I get the following error:
> Traceback (most recent call …
I'm porting a c++ project, that uses this library *(v1.2.5)*, from *Jetson Nano* to an *Jetson Orin Nano*. The GPIO used to work on the Nano, but I'm having problems on the Orin. On the first `GPIO::s…
Dear all, I know the project idea is to work only with Raspberry Pi. However, to be more inclusive of other single-board computers, such as Banana Pi or Orange Pi, wouldn't it be better to use the gpi…
### What are the steps to reproduce?
Run node-red in the official docker container.
Verify that the gpiod nodes have connection to the gpiod (daemon). ![Skærmbillede 2020-02-09 kl 23 14 03](https…
- [x] install gpiod, i2ctools and mosquitto
- [x] ensure gpiod service is enable
- [x] Ensure i2c is configured via raspi-config
- [x] update mqtt service to use the user and project path
- [ ] u…
- Should be implemented using the Linux Kernel APIs.
- Integrate in the GpioD plugin added in 2.5.0?