Hi, when i Modified the backbone network to resnet50, and download it's pretrained model from Net, the model does not converge, when I put the res101(download from your ‘readme’) back on, it works…
### What is the feature?
As the title describes, when I use dist_train.sh to train the PETR model, the estimated training time is even longer than single gpu's. The distributed devices are 4 A100 and…
at detr3dhead class you make pred box tensor `z = z - h/2` https://github.com/WangYueFt/detr3d/blob/34a47673011fe13593a3e594a376668acca8bddb/projects/mmdet3d_plugin/models/dense_heads/detr3d_head.py#L…
Great work, lots of learning after started using it.
I want to understand the significance of extrinsic matrix (lidar2cam) on model training. As 3d Points (frustum) and image features are pass…
### Prerequisite
- [X] I have searched [Issues](https://github.com/open-mmlab/mmdetection3d/issues) and [Discussions](https://github.com/open-mmlab/mmdetection3d/discussions) but cannot get the expec…
when i run the code
tools/dist_test.sh projects/configs//detr3d/detr3d_vovnet_gridmask_det_final_trainval_cbgs.py /path/to/ckpt 1 --eval=bbox
i got this error at last:
### Prerequisite
- [X] I have searched [Issues](https://github.com/open-mmlab/mmdetection3d/issues) and [Discussions](https://github.com/open-mmlab/mmdetection3d/discussions) but cannot get the expec…
### Model/Dataset/Scheduler description
I have been training using the provided models bevfusion_lidar-cam_voxel0075_second_secfpn_8xb4-cyclic-20e_nus-3d-5239b1af.pth and swint-nu…
I tried to get the model summary with input and output shape, with this code in test.py,
from torchsummary import summary
model = MMDistributedDataParallel(model.cuda(), device…
Hi KerasCV team,
I have worked on my own project [KerasAug](https://github.com/james77777778/keras-aug) for a while to provide the powerful, performant and bug-free preprocessing/augmentation layer…