### Check List
- [x] I have already read [Docs page](https://hexo.io/docs/) & [Troubleshooting page](https://hexo.io/docs/troubleshooting).
- [X] I have already searched existing issues and they are …
E:\Projects\Blog\blog>hexo clean && hexo g
INFO Validating config
INFO Deleted database.
INFO Deleted public folder.
INFO Validating config
INFO Start processing
INFO Files loaded in 258 m…
Please follow this Issue template to provide relevant information, such as source code repositories, blog links, and screenshots, which will help us investigate.
请按照此 Issue 模版提供相关信息,例如源码仓库、博客链接和屏幕截图,…
ERROR ReferenceError: /Users/apple/Documents/steady/blog/themes/hexo-theme-indigo/layout/archive.ejs:6
4| }) %>
>> 6| > 1|
So I wanted to convert a Craft CMS website into a static website. A quick search on https://staticgen.com led me to [Hexo](https://jamstack.org/generators/hexo/), which mentions it supports Twig templ…
$ hexo s
INFO Validating config
INFO Start processing
Prism's Diff Highlight plugin requires the Diff language definition (prism-diff.js).Make sure the language definition is loaded…
### Issue Checklist
- [X] I am using NexT version 8.0 or later.
- [X] I have already read the [Troubleshooting page of Hexo](https://hexo.io/docs/troubleshooting) and [Troubleshooting page of NexT](h…
A minimalist theme for hexo.
# 使用Hexo Stellar 主题搭建一个独立博客站点 - WxW
如何使用 stellar 主题做一个自己的独立站点呢?
`hexo s`的输出:
$ hexo s
INFO Validating config