Gerber / BOM / CPL are uploaded successfully, everything looks good but there is this error on the Bill of Materials page:
"For below not matched parts, try our Manual Parts Selection >
Top desi…
Hi there!
I wonder whether anyone has a working pcb laying around at home and is willing to sell it?
I'm not familiar with pcb creation - however I managed to process it on JLCPCB (thanks for th…
- JLCPCB Constraints: https://jlcpcb.com/capabilities/pcb-capabilities
- [ ] Drill Diameter Min/Max
- [ ] Pad Hole-to-Hole Spacing
- [ ] Edit this issue to add more!
Video explanation: https…
After I ordered PCB/PCBA and upload the production files to JLCPCB,
I got the following messages from JLCPCB.
> Soldering issue for some RC8、RC15、C15、RR4 parts - as advised by the engineer, there…
I've tried uploading both the BLM and the pick and place spreadsheets for JLCPCB, however the software doesn't recognize the information. Is there a way to reformat them?
![Screenshot from 2024-01-21 09-33-28](https://github.com/mcmchris/MCM-Meter-2.0/assets/1857824/9c1e2498-fe89-4593-a353-7c26333bda5b)
![Screenshot from 2024-01-21 09-33-39](https://github.com/mcmchri…
with WBO with 3 of 5 molex qty 20
qty 20
The current part number has 1.5mm legs which is not enough for the 1.6mm pcb
We've had five of the `r20241810` boards fabbed. This issue is for notes and anything that needs addressing before the next production batch:
* [ ] The on/off switch is inverted
* [ ] The termina…
A labor intensive activity of the MoonRat II build of 2023 is adding "stackable headers" on the UNO connection pins.
To make the MoonRat II Printed Wiring Assembly more complete, we should add "sta…