With the release of Google Chrome 24, the WebKitBlobBuilder API has been removed:
lndb updated
11 years ago
I'm using jsplumb version 2.5.7 and scoped connections. I decided to include the group feature to my workflow, but when I collapse the group, the connections are lost if they were previously c…
When there are nested containers rendered on UI (each with a separate JsPlumb instance), the Hover event throws an error.
Reference pull request - https://github.com/jsplumb/jsplumb/pull/1087
Thanks for creating this plugin, I was struggling to create an auto layout for a diagram (questionnaire) which consists of nodes (div's) and edges (SVG's created using jsPlumb) but I tried code…
Hello people,
I have following problem ...
I used jsplumb in a project using a plumber-service.ts.
if I write following:
constructor(_flowchartService: FlowChartService) {
This is quite a big task, so most likely it will need to be split into multiple PRs.
The goal is to remove all the dependencies that are stored in the repository, in the `libraries` directory, as t…
The paid JsPlumb toolkit has this feature. We may need to reimplement.
See https://github.com/GroundMeteor/db/issues/101
> ```
> Template.flowCharting.onRendered(function () {
> $('select').material_select();
> $container = $('#container');
> window.addEvent…
Visualize running jobs in the UI using one of the following libraries:
- [Canviz](http://www.ryandesign.com/canviz/)
- [arbor.js](http://arborjs.org/)
- [visjs](http://visjs.org/)
- [jsplumb](http://…
First,I use set two point ,A and B,by using addEndpoint , then I connect A and B by the function of jsplumb.connect,and I delete the link between A and B by jsplumb.detach,connnect C with A and B ,