When ```php artisan route:cache``` ran, it's not working:
[2020-05-19 16:22:37] production.ERROR: Argument 1 passed to Whitecube\NovaPage\Pages\StaticResource::__construct() must be an instanc…
Getting error when installing on Laravel Framework 6.20.24
I do composer require johnathan/nova-trumbowyg
I get the error
Class 'Laravel\Nova\Nova' not found
Can't seem to figure what that c…
when write command `composer require tapp/select-country-code` it gives me this error.
Class 'Laravel\Nova\Nova' not found
at C:\xampp\htdocs\niceOne\vendor\tapp\select-country-code\src\Fi…
Class Joedixon\NovaTranslation\NovaTranslation contains 1 abstract method and must therefore be declared abstract or implement the remaining methods (Laravel\Nova\Tool::menu)
Is there support for Laravel Nova 4 planned?
- Laravel Version: 10.40.0
- Nova Version: 4.34.3
- PHP Version: 8.2
- Browser type and version: Google Chrome 126.0.6478.183
### Description:
After udating `laravel/nova package` from `4.28`…
Hi dear,
Thx for your perfect example !!!
I want to implement this with Laravel Nova ! (Like a custom tool)
Can you help me with this !
Thx !!
On 11.9.2 everything works.
On 11.10, the following error occurs when updating or saving media:
"message": "There is no conversion named `thumb`",
"exception": "Spatie\\MediaLibrary\\M…