### Session description
The mission of the newly created [Linked Web Storage Working Group](https://www.w3.org/groups/wg/lws/) is to enable the development of web applications where data storage, ent…
Finalize wireframes for end-to-end workflow. Workflow should be loosely coupled.
PORO needs to be loosely coupled to app - to ensure it all works against controller calls
The OrderableRows has quite a few DataList only API dependencies and should be much more loosely coupled to allow use of ArrayList sets
(I earlier reported an issue about 1.3.1 of loosely coupled systems)
I noticed that section 1.3.2 (which talks about orchestration) and 1.3.3 (deployment) need attention.
Section 1.3.2, which s…
This is request to all contributors to improve the code design and maintain loosely coupled structure of this projects
The current design of SG16 is strictly a single microprocessor core. The modular design of the emulator means that a front-end could easily run multiple instances in parallel, synchronous or not, but …
There are a few issues with tight coupling in the project. I would like to refactor it so that dependencies are more loosely coupled.
Specifically refactor use of APIManager to utilize dependency injection and get rid of Notification Center in favor of less loosely-coupled communication such as delegates