Any possibility of Lumen support?
I can't find a good ACL package for Lumen.
Zyles updated
9 years ago
can you support Lumen (a micro-framework derivated from Laravel, by the same authors). Here is a discussion about the package incompatibilities: forum.openlitespeed.org/threads/lumen-composer-l…
Would be nice.
Zyles updated
7 years ago
I would like to do some work to make this package compatible with Lumen. Would you like to receive a PR to incorporate that functionality in this package or would you recommend to set up a separate pa…
First of all, great package. It does everything I need it to do and more. At my work we have a bunch of microservices written in Lumen, and we'e looking for a good solution to implement the jso…
Hi, is there any chance you'd be able to offer this with support for Lumen 5.1?
Does this work with Lumen as well?
Is it possible to use this package with lumen ? I have this error :
'Class 'Config' not found'
Decompiling valid SPIRV results in invalid GLSL.
$ spirv-cross --stage comp --version 460 --vulkan-semantics lumen.spirv --output out.glsl
$ glslangValidator -g -V -S comp --target-env spi…