🚨 **Reminder!** Less than one month left to migrate your repositories over to Snyk before Greenkeeper says goodbye on June 3rd! 💜 🚚💨 💚
[Find out how to migrate to Snyk at greenkeeper.io](https:/…
## The devDependency [madge](https://github.com/pahen/madge) was updated from `3.3.0` to `3.4.0`.
🚨 [View failing branch](https://github.com/Undistraction/folktale-validations/compare/master...Undis…
I run madge in my pipelines as a spaghetti mitigation strategy.
Using madge 5, everything went swimmingly
$ npx -p madge@5 madge -c --ts-config tsconfig.json --extensions ts --warning .
### Which @angular/* package(s) are the source of the bug?
### Is this a regression?
### Description
This was already reported before, but not with the intent of making the error message …
Medium severity
requirejs Prototype Pollution
[CWE-1321OPEN THIS LINK IN A NEW TAB](https://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/1321.html)
Would it be possible to create a graph of cyclic dependencies?
I can do this in madge but it doesn't have the image capabilities.
I used the command: madge -c
Madge 6.0.0 seems finding dependencies correctly for my Node typescript application ***except*** for one module (Routes.ts) for which all dependencies are ignored. These are the dependencies, nothing …
Hello! is it possible add support for module [module-alias](https://www.npmjs.com/package/module-alias) ??
if I use this module, the svg image shows everything on the same level
``` javascript
// a.js
export const a = {}
``` javascript
// b.js
export const b = {}
``` javascript
// index.js
export * from 'a';
export * from 'b';
``` javascript
// m…
I might be missing something, but with:
import b from './b.js'
and b.js:
import a from './a.js'
`madge ./a.js` just prints o…