Arduino official boards use almost the same wifi chip with Maixduino. In order to keep WIFI API compatibility, please port the official codes into Maixduino repo.
Arduino WIFI boards:
Добрый день. Недавно стал пользователем платы Maixduino. Прошу помощи в вопросах общеобразовательных. 1) Как формируется (создается), можно ли где нибудь посмотреть ее код, узнать что внутри. 2) Что з…
I am using a Sipeed Maixduino board for my project, flashed with the latest maixpy firmware available on the github.
I am unable to use the UART.irq() function in order to callback defined func…
I have not been able to find much information on this :-( .
1. Does the ESP32 come preprogrammed with AT firmware, or do I have to burn it separately.
2. What pins it is connected to? I have seen …
I'm using the demo_send_pic.py demo and I wanted to send an image compressed quality=80 but I got errors:
> esp32_spi_wait_spi_char START_CMD error
esp32_spi_socket_write: get resp error!
[MaixPy] …
How can I use the ESP32 Wifi module from C/C++ ? It only seems to work using the MaixPy wifi example. When I run the default ESP32 firmware, and this C++ application code
` Serial.begin(115…
on Maixduino, using record_wav.py modified to use sipeed mic array (pin assignement, configure I2S chanel 0to 3, received data seems to be ramdomized bytes
capgi updated
3 years ago
I've noticed today that display uses wrong colors for RGB565
this is Blue ``` 0b111111
Maix has two ways to accelerate the FFT process, using the APU or the individual FFT accelerator. Is it possible to use any of these sources with Maixduino?
When using urequests.py post method in the Maixduino with MaixPy, OSError: -29184 occures as below. In ESP32 micropython, No error occures. MaixPy Mbedtls is same as ESP32 one.
File "urequests.…