## Versions:
* mgmt version (eg: `mgmt --version`):
Current git master of: 43bd847badc134e9ba0a5ca8d3895735d523efa1
* golang version (eg: `go version`):
go version go1.22.7 linux/amd64
- Lower the height of the walls
- Maybe combine all walls into one mesh via blender
- Add textures
announcing, a new way to search Ocellus… via maps. Granted, this is only for the records that are geocoded, but still, I have been testing it and find it quite useful and fun
Now, when you got to O…
from owlapy.owl_ontology_manager import SyncOntologyManager
from owlapy.render import owl_expression_to_dl
ontology_path = "KGs/Family/father.owl"
onto = SyncOntologyManager().load_ontology(on…
Make the interactive map page for ARW see the wireframe here: https://www.figma.com/design/BlAYm1Z8wdEYA5faH8XT8L/Africa-Rangeland-Watch_Wireframing-Workflow?node-id=1-3&t=W742viXdOR1Ekgow-1
Please b…
Currently, we're implementing `flat_(multi)map`'s comparison operators in inconsistent ways: