## MHR-03C: Inefficient Iterator Data Type
| Type | Severity | Location |
| ---- | -------- | -------- |
| [Gas Optimization](/appendix/finding-types#gas-optimization) | | [MainHelper.sol:L361](…
When you look at these screenshot you can see that some icons existing on Flatscreen are missing on VR.
Is it possible to use other MHR presets?
I find the default-48000.mhr 24bit more convincing.
### [Figma Design](https://www.figma.com/design/CFvx4JNVtn8dMmoDq4NxUH/Enhancements---MHR-Table?node-id=1-15)
As a user, I need to see the Documents Columns when the MHR table loads, it should…
Assets team is needed to help provide data for a report of the current state of manufactured housing to be delivered to BC Housing
A template of the report can be found at https://docs.google.com/spr…
Having Interpid Heart and Frostcraft use the same icon makes it impossible to tell which one is charging up
reibc updated
6 months ago
## MHR-01S: Literal Equality of `bool` Variables
| Type | Severity | Location |
| ---- | -------- | -------- |
| [Gas Optimization](/appendix/finding-types#gas-optimization) | | [MainHelper.sol:…
## MHR-06C: Potentially Inefficient Array Shift Operation
| Type | Severity | Location |
| ---- | -------- | -------- |
| [Gas Optimization](/appendix/finding-types#gas-optimization) | | [MainHe…
## MHR-02C: Ineffectual Usage of Safe Arithmetics
| Type | Severity | Location |
| ---- | -------- | -------- |
| [Language Specific](/appendix/finding-types#language-specific) | | [MainHelper.s…
- [ ] When a user enters a Folio number before initiating a search from the dashboard and clears or removes it in the selection list/review selection(s) screen, then the same folio number is still dis…