~/.middleman/naokazuterada にこのファイル群を置いて、`middleman ini -T naokazuterada`で初期化出来るっぽい。ただ、globalのgemにmiddlemanが必要なので、どうしよう…
After updating to `v4.0.5`, my builds always fail.
I've found the changes in 6a4f8a9554bef044a638815579c18d47ae98c35d break builds when you do not configure `template_dir` option.
According to t…
Currently setting up the virtual machine requires creating two configuration files (`extra_settings.py` and `signing-service-env.sh`) and a shell variable (`CONCENT_DEPLOYMENT_VERSION`). There will be…
I'm sorry in advance if I'm doing something completely wrong.
I'm having an issue with middleman-livereload. Whenever I have livereload activated, I'm getting slow server response times. Below …
Hello again. :) Just found another side-effect. Redirects created in `config.rb` like:
redirect 'tags/peperoni.html', to: 'tags/pepperoni.html'
do get included in sitemap (which is probabl…
My website is in the repo:
I have CircleCi enabled:
Same config I use on MacOSX Yosemite with Brew. Before enabling `middleman-ima…
Create a new branch to hold a Middleman template for use on Github Pages.
Hi there,
I've installed your template. Since then I can
Just tried out the template, but when anyone clicks through on the invites, all they get is the following:
## Expected behaviour
With the I18n module active, I would expect the locale to be read and page_articles collection to be populated accordingly to the current locale
## Actual behaviour