Hello @Kyushik,
I want to get the code in the thigh environment, but I get this error and the simulator closes after a few moments that do not move,
Have installed Unity 2018.3.13f1 on Linux Ubuntu 16.04
Based on the requirements of obstacle-tower-env, have installed mlagents 0.6.2
and mlagents-envs 0.6.2
When I try to train the obstacle-towe…
mlagents_envs.exception.UnityEnvironmentException: Couldn't launch the Robotics_Navigation-master/underwater_env/water environment. Provided filename does not match any environments.
mlagents-learn [trainer-path] --env=[env-path]/build_name --run-id==[run-id]
trainer-path에 Kart.yaml
env-path에 Kart.exe 빌드 폴더 위치
run-id는 모르겠네요.
제가 말씀드린게 맞나요?
which version of mlagents did you use? which version of unity did you use?thank you .it seems bug in my enviroments
## 재현 환경
- unity windows build
## 재현 과정
- Unity의 MAB Agent에 RequestDecisionRoutine() 코드 작성 이후 빌드
- python script 실행
## 오류 내용
- `env.set_actions(behavior_name, action)` 코드 부분에서 오류 발생
**Describe the bug**
[Elo is supposed to be a valid measure for curriculum learning](https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/ml-agents/blob/200fe54e14b649d6eac66a7f0779c1086c506919/docs/Training-ML-Age…
Hi There,
I'm seeing the Unity Splash Screen and have followed the install and run instructions as best as I can tell. I'm running into an error where it seems to be trying to connect to a URL whi…
I run obstacle tower on Ubuntu 18.04 and receive the following error messages
>mlagents.envs.exception.UnityEnvironmentException: The API number is not compatible between Unity and python. Python A…
I am getting this error when trying to train:
mlagents.trainers.exception.TrainerConfigError: The option curriculum was specified in your YAML file, but is invalid.
Any advice?