I would like to make your website mobile responsive
Great idea and exactly what I'm looking for, but unusable in mobile (I use Obsidian predominantly on an Android tablet)
Because you can't HOVER on mobile.
Why not place the "heart" in "right click…
### Go version
go version go1.23.2 linux/amd64
### Output of `go env` in your module/workspace:
Hi, in wondering if that yolo model can be integrated using tensorflow lite for mobile app.
I need to export the model just with the .tflite extension?
The height of the page or bottom panels doesn't extend to the full pages height.
Probably some flex box stuff broken.
### Describe the issue
I encountered the following error when loading a model with dynamic shapes using the QNN Provider as the backend acceleration setting.
### General Support Request
Implement full-screen mobile redesign
### Possible Solution
Design component from blueprint:
- https://www.figma.com/design/3TQhiKjQqQOKYqaqcO1zj2/Dropdown?node-i…
### Steps to reproduce
In our Teams Bot we want to update the sign in card after the user has authenticated. So we call _turnContext.Activity.ReplyToId_ in _TeamsActivityHandler.OnTeamsSigninVe…