Hello! I'm doing my first apllication based on uAdmin. When I'm trying to open model Kit I got this Error: https://play.golang.org/p/hsENK7L0f2U
Project: https://github.com/MarErm27/Events
Hi Vukosi,
I'm thinking it may be useful to display the number of tests done against the number of cases confirmed on the barchart on page 2 of the dashboard. Or showing positives vs negatives. It …
## High Level User Story
As a veteran using a search engine, I need up-to-date information about my VA facility so I know what services are available during special events/situations (e.g. COVID-19, …
**What will the final product be? a website? Is this a mockup? Is this made for print? Keeping it as an image would be problematic for accessibility.
I’ve been very interested in the naming- how peop…