**Reported by bli on 28 Apr 2006 06:50 UTC**
The next iteration of the TORQUE RPM should install to ```/opt/torque``` instead of ```/opt/pbs``` to avoid any confusion. Other related packages need to …
Other than SGE, is it possible to add to pyflow compatibility to clusters running other job schedulers such as PBS (TORQUE)? Thanks!
Referencing issue #173, which I can't seem to re-open. I hope this is not a bad portent.
PBS Job Id: 2589028.mskcc-fe1.local
Job Name: STDIN
Exec host: gpu-1-12/7
An error has occurred process…
When the procs resource was originally introduced it was pass-through to the scheduler only. Torque simply recorded the value for procs in Resources_List. In Torque 2.5.0, Torque would allocate x p…
I was using casm/pbs on a cluster that uses slurm for scheduling but for some reason has both sbatch and qsub available as submission commands. Because getsoftware() first looks for qsub it determined…
# Background
When submitting a job to the TORQUE / PBS using something like:
qsub -l nodes=3:ppn=2 myjob.sh
the scheduler will allocate 3 nodes with 2 cores each (= 6 cores total) for `…
Currently we have a Torque/PBS specific way of submitting jobs to clusters.
We could make it more portable by using DRMAA instead.
bjpop updated
11 years ago
I want to assemble metagenomic data on a cluster-server.
Is it possible to use IDBA-UD in connection with MPI-Parallelization, Torque PBS or OpenMP?
Just putting this here to track the transition to template-based job submission and for testing/feedback
- [X] SGE - complete in sge_fixes
- [ ] torque/PBS
- [ ] slurm
- [x] LSF
I am working with jenkins 1.617 and version 0.2 of pbs-plugin to run jobs on a cluster with Torque queueing system installed. My jobs are working with changing workspace (based on svn branches), …