Assignment 2 aims to find misinformation on social network, i.e., identify profiles that
are mistakenly recorded as human/non-human profiles
We should be able to index a list of airline names and use those for matching within Hugo's tweets. That should be just as reliable as the current keyword list. The names will have to be trimmed to re…
Data: Jeder sucht für seinen übersetzten Dict-Teil Tweets mit den Signalwörter (~100 p.P.)
- Content (eigentlichen Text)
- Twitter-Handle (@blablabla)
- Datum (dd.mm.yyyy)
- Kategorie (1-1…
The function dictionary_count() does not work
The functio create_closed_network does not work
Any idea why?
Merhabalar, [applications/tweets/tasks](https://github.com/acikkaynak/deprem-yardim-backend/blob/1df3a3e1d97018480a0f86bcac8eb789afc454f3/applications/tweets/tasks.py) modülünün `collect_tweets` metod…
The matrix is divided in four quarters and contains:
True Positives (TP): Positive samples predicted as such.
True Negatives (TN): Negative samples predicted as such.
False Positives (FP): Negati…
- [ ] allpunc Number of.,:;
- [ ] commas Number of,
- [ ] exclmar Number of!
- [ ] questma Number of?
- [ ] parenth Number of parenthesis
- [ ] numbers Number of numbers
- [ ] wocount Number of …
Stuck with trying to get the "retweets with comments" of my own tweets.
* Is there an equivalent to the https://twitter.com/notifications page ... but in the API?
I have tried with the `twe…
Fellas, as part of the media blitz we're planning there will be a press release that will throw some big numbers at the readers. Can you provide some impressive statistics about the data your tools pr…
I'm not sure how best to describe this, but what I wish for in an interactive viz like this, is the ability to discover what's hot and happening "out there". For example, the home page of gitter.im ha…
loleg updated
4 years ago