There was a recent change to my Z which increased its resolution considerably. One the first leveling it stopped on a 100mm/s Z/X/Y move. This is one MCU running 4 Z steppers and the other MCU runni…
I have been through the list of Pins at the top of the Duet-Duex config file and am unable to see any reference to temps for the MCU and Steppers, as I would like to view them on MainSail.
RRF uses '…
Since Klipper already supports the TMC21xx family via SPI, I was wondering if there were any plans to support the TMC2660 drivers as well, since they are featured on the Duet 2 Wifi.
Split out from: https://github.com/Open-CMSIS-Pack/Open-CMSIS-Pack/issues/10
links to: https://github.com/Open-CMSIS-Pack/Open-CMSIS-Pack/issues/21
Requires a tool that can:
- search for componen…
I'm trying to get my Duet 2 Wifi hooked up to Klipper. I am able to do the flash using Bossa on Windows but when I hook the Duet to the Raspberry Pi, it will not connect.
Enclosed is the l…
When using KIAUH to re-flash (update) Klipper from v0.9.1 to v0.10.0 it froze on reconnect.
The re-flash was successfull though and after reconnecting everything seems to work ok (closed ter…
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This is more of a question I suppose.
I'd like to set my bed PWM frequency to 20kHz or more to get rid of the switching sound (it's a 24V MK52 bed clone on a Voron Switchwire).
Does Klipper use hard…
i have a skr v1.3 and i can´t load the firmware over. i have tried both via the installer and taking the .bin file and putting it on the sd card. if i put it on the sd card it just stalls. li…
FYI: no SD card is inserted in Duet2.
erase was triggered and reset pushed before flashing
I cannot connect to duet2 Wifi.
I flashed the firmware to the MCU succesfully using SAM3/SAM4 (…