For some strange reason the 'plot_upsetlists.pdf' download ends up giving an error
There seems to be no problem with downloading plot_vennlists.pdf
If I added a top annotation with `col_side_colors` the hovertext is not shown, except for the first column. This only happens when the `plot_method` is set to "plotly". When I use `row_side_colors` th…
As far as I have been able to track it down, there seems to be an S3 conflict between this package and the package `sf`.
Registered S3 methods overwritten by 'proxy':
method f…
Hi Chris, nice package in networkD3. I have been working with some data today, trying to show a path of material through a manufacturing process. I am trying to use the sankeyNetwork command and I am …
The plot is created, but I have no idea on the error.
I have a DEG set produced by DeSeq2.
I get the sorted ranked with ENSEMBL names (hg38) as:
ENSG00000256377 ENSG000001597…
Hi @federicomarini
I have setup ideal shiny server on my end. Everything works correctly - however on the Report Editor tab I keep getting this error message - `An error has occurred. Check your l…
Hey Joey, thanks for this incredible tool!
I have to admit it might sound like a stupid question as I am not that experienced with R, but ill give it a go:
Im looking for an easy way to automatica…
Hi, super neat package you've got here and one I've found invaluable for data exploration and visualization. I ran into a super strange bug by trying to embed a heatmaply object into a Shiny app, but …
This looks like a really nice package, but I'm having some trouble even running the examples in the interactive mode: https://bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/vignettes/BatchQC/inst/doc/…