### Describe your feature request
Please add restart inverter option to HA
### Proper usage
- [X] I confirm that this is not a bug report
Puedes adicionar el suporte a huawei smartlogger 3000 ? És identico a
registerData huaweiRegisters[] = {
&inverter.wgrid, 0, 37113, 2, S32FIX0,
&inverter.wtoday, 0, 32114, 2,…
I have modbus configured in version 2.9. Everything was fine a few days ago. But several of the devices are broken and others are functioning normally. Updates of telemetry data became very slow. I se…
I have Smartlogger 3000A and two SUN2000-60KTL-M0.
I created SmartLogger.py and add modbus registers for it from huawei documentation and it working but...
Smartlogger have address …
i hate the app from huawei very much, it is so unreliable and produces false information. So i found your nice project. Thanks for sharing.
I have a SUN2000-17 KTL-M0, no smartlogger.
String Inverter Model: SUN2000-30KTL-M3
API getDevRealKpi connection OK
Normal Status
date: invalid date ‘@’
Time of your Request to API:
mnuxx updated
3 years ago
Anyone has configuration where is something more than just inverter. That is my
[+] Inverter Huawei SUN2000-M0
[-] Energy battery Storage LG Chem HV or Huawei LUNA
[-] Smart Power Sensor (DDSU666-H…
[root@zabbix orabbix]# javac -cp "orabbix-1.2.3/orabbix-1.2.3.jar:orabbix-1.2.3/lib/*" com/smartmarmot/orabbix/Sender.java
com/smartmarmot/orabbix/Sender.java:31: error: package org.apache.log4j does…
@echo off
for %%A in ("E:\Logs\SmartLogger\*") do (if /I not "%%~xA" == ".zip" 7za.exe a -tzip -mx5 -y -- "%%~dpnA.zip" "%%~A" >nul && del /Q /F "%%~A")
How can I change it to ignore the name but re…
Dans la methode `public void add(final AProcess process)` on met dans le jsonObject le nom du process et la durée. Par contre il n'y a pas les mesures `process.getMeasures()`. Voici une proposition `p…