This is how I am currently visualizing the music sorters software architecture with mqtt protocol driven through MVC views
We need to decide two things:
- How are we going to architect the software, including code base layout, libs, etc.
- How are we going to deploy the software and what will it look like, such as Ser…
# User Story
Recognized stakeholder types: Decision-Maker, Maintainer
## Story
As a _Maintainer_
I want _documentation of the software architecture of the product_
so that _I can quickly gain a…
Description of the type of application (web, desktop, mobile, etc.) and any specific software architecture that will be followed. Mention the programming languages, frameworks, databases, and other te…
## User story
1. As a software developer
2. I want / need a base architecture to exist for the project
3. So that I can add 'actual' features for the users
## Acceptance criteria
* Architecture…
Create a picture that represents the overall architecture. Put it in supp matt
# 软件架构模式
本文是我在阅读O'Reilly免费的电子书 Software Architecture Patterns过程中做的笔记。首先这本书非常新,2015年3月30号订正后发布。其次将目前流行的几种架构详细进行了剖析和比较,除了传统的N层架构外,其它架构相当的前沿。并且,这篇小书连带封面才55页,短小精悍,值得一读。这本书