How difficult would it be to enhance the callout "Traveling southwest along Main Street" to e.g. "Traveling southwest along Main Street at approximately 20 miles per hour?" How accurate would this num…
like right now it is left to right 0 to 100, but i need it 100 to 0 and starting of the marker from right to left?
Hello, nice work!
Please, could you to create a simple Speedometer example to start?
Thank you.
Would be nice to be able to visualize the vehicles speed in mapviz so one doesn't have to manually rostopic echo this. This could be grabbed from an odom message or a marti_sensor_msgs/Velocity.
make it so the speedometer updates much slower. check out the % operator, i think it might be what you need. email us if you need help or email david.
Can the speedometer being added into vanilla MKW w/o riivo? I really don't like the speedometer code (the one that displays it over milliseconds), also Riivo doesn't work with Dolphin.
Reinstalled Velociraptor (a great app!) yesterday after having some issues with the GMaps overlay. Reinstalling (with latest ver) fixed the issue, but the speedometer overlay has now shrunk by perhap…
not sure if this is viable but if possible when taking tests could u log all the memory and cpu usage, average and also be able to use that to compare. possibly with this, u can also use (speedometer …
## What?
Requesting to add visualizations for Dial Charts or Speedometer Charts so you can see a needle on a min / max range and the reference to an integer or perhaps a percentage as a gauge.
This is a duplicate of issue #257 [https://github.com/ssborbis/ContextSearch-web-ext/issues/257](url) but updated for Speedometer 3.0.
When "Enable searching via popup menu" is enabled in ContextS…