I have a little bit better understanding now of the paradigm you are having. It seems that tokenization performance is now much better, and code is much cleaner, excellent work!
Regarding the prep…
Related issues: #1567, #1711, #1819, #1939, #1945, #1951, #2042
We're currently in the process of rewriting the match loop, fixing long-standing issues and making it easier to extend the `Matcher` …
Request to add a new Trove classifier.
## The name of the classifier you would like to add
`Natural Language :: Tibetan`
## Why do you want to add this classifier?
Esukhia is building an ecosy…
eroux updated
6 years ago
We have been tagging the unmarked argument of the existential / locative / possessive verb yod as `arg1`, and the case-marked argument (e.g. the location or the possessor) as `obl:arg`. See example 4 …
heacu updated
6 years ago
Work by Miriam Butt and others establishes a distinction between auxiliaries and complex verbs in some languages. She defines a complex predicate as follows (see [_The Light Verb Jungle: Still Hacking…
heacu updated
7 years ago
`argcl` is our custom merger of [`ccomp`](http://universaldependencies.org/u/dep/ccomp.html) and [`xcomp`](http://universaldependencies.org/u/dep/xcomp.html). The `argcl` arc should point to the conte…
heacu updated
7 years ago
Can _'dug_ function as a light verb, similar to _yod_ (cf. https://github.com/tibetan-nlp/lim-annodoc/issues/3)?
E. g. from Mila 11b: _gzhan (`arg1`) rnams kyang shugs ring (`arg2`) nar nar 'dug …
In the following example an unmarked third argument of a verb is introduced, _la_ is expected but not present. Should we reintroduce `arg3`for these cases?
E. g. Mila 12a: _nged ma smad (`obl`=`arg…
The annotation documentation includes the [`advcl`](http://universaldependencies.org/u/dep/advcl.html) relation for adverbial clauses, but not the [`advmod`](http://universaldependencies.org/u/dep/adv…
heacu updated
7 years ago
Under "The Status of Function Words" in the [UD syntax guidelines](http://universaldependencies.org/u/overview/syntax.html), it says:
> The primacy of content words implies that function words norm…
heacu updated
7 years ago