After moving my code from Windows to Linux I get crashes after the second notification. Both running pyads 2.2.5
**This is an example of code that works on Windows but crashes on Linux:**
I tried it unsucessfully. Maybe am I missing something? Can you provide an usage example?
Thank you for sharing this brillantly written library.
In AdsDef.h at line [287](https://github.com/Beckhoff/ADS/blob/master/AdsLib/AdsDef.h#L287),
nTimeStamp and hNotification are in the wrong order.
``` cpp
typedef struct {
uint64_t nTimeStamp;
We are developing a driver -- we see port 851, but also see port AMSPORT_R0_PLC_RTS1
What is the difference? I see in the h files --- RTS1, 2, 3 and RTS4. Which one should we use ?
Is this fixed in t…