Japanese sample text (via translation of "Universal Declaration of Human
Rights" Article 1) has a tiny typo (or mistranslation).
fixed file (on my personal clone) :
Where is the source text dataset for the Ngrams of those 100 languages? Would like to see if it is different from wooorm/franc#78 usage of UDHR, and if it is more accurate than them.
cannot tell the difference between green/red colors and the lighter green/red colors. looks like a bug.
build/out/Default/fontdiff --before before/NotoSansCherokee-Regular.ttf --after after/NotoSan…
Japanese sample text (via translation of "Universal Declaration of Human
Rights" Article 1) has a tiny typo (or mistranslation).
fixed file (on my personal clone) :
The Adlam text [udhr_fuf_adlm](https://github.com/unicode-org/udhr/blob/main/data/udhr/udhr_fuf_adlm.xml) contains the Latin letter eng in quite a few articles (e.g. "𞤼𞤫𞥅ŋ𞤼𞤭" in article 11.2). Is this…
**Font Project Git Repo URL:**
**Super short description of the Font Family:**
An interesting Simplified Chinese **display** typeface, created by a famou…
Where is the source text dataset for the Ngrams of those 53 languages? Would like to see if it is different from wooorm/franc#78 usage of UDHR, and if it is more accurate than them.
Where is the source text dataset for the Ngrams of those 73 languages? Would like to see if it is different from wooorm/franc#78 usage of UDHR, and if it is more accurate than them.
교수님 안녕하세요 regexp보다가 표현 해석이 안되는 부분이 있어서 질문 드려요
regexp = '^[AEIOUaeiou]+|[AEIOUaeiou]+$|[^AEIOUaeiou]'
def compress(word):
pieces = re.findall(regexp, word)
return ''.join(pieces)
[Unicode Technical Note 11](http://www.unicode.org/notes/tn11/UTN11_4.pdf) describes which languages use what localized letterforms when written in the Myanmar script. (Search for the string “stylisti…