When I use "CITE-seq-Count-R1./ SRR13724311_S1_L001_R1_001.fastq.gz-R2 SRR13724311_S1_L001_R2_001.fastq.gz-t Cmca9_tag_list_utf8.cfa-cbf 1-cbl 16-umif 17-umil 28 -cells 10000-o OUTFOLDER "is always no…
I have a quick question about the snRNA-seq data of CCRCC samples that were used in this study. I downloaded the data from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo/query/acc.cgi?acc=GSE240822, following the d…
I'm getting the following error during UMI correction, when running CITE-seq-Count 1.4.5, Python 3.8.
Correcting umis
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/data/home/hmy961/c…
Dear team, thank you for your wonderful software RISC. It is great!
However, I run umap and find the clusters crowd together and overlap (pic in the attachment)
And the code below (scRNA is my Seura…
Is there an option in determineDropoutCandidates to handle missing value?
I made a reduced UMI count matrix for my single-cell RNA-Seq data. Then I had the "missing value" issue:
I see that the dropEst program reports a matrix of counts for genes in the input GTF. Would it be feasible to support output of a deduplicated BAM as well? I am not interested in scRNA-seq counts but …
Hi Vivian,
I am trying to impute dropouts from a csv of UMI values ( 7 genes and 12244 cells).
The codes are listed below.
scimpute ("E:/gdT.csv", Kcluster = 2, out_dir = "E:/Cal", ncores = 1, dr…
first of all, thank you for this nice tool. We used it successfully on a time-series of bulk RNAseq samples, and it reflects nicely the maturation of our neuron cultures.
I was wondering now…
Thank you for developing such a wonderful tool!
I am currently looking to utilize the existing CNV profile via the `segs_consensus_fix `parameter to establish definitive CNV boundaries and stat…
I'm using the fast version of constructNull function, and the generated data have "NA" in it. The input matrix is a UMI count matrix, the command that I used is ` ClusterDE::constructNull(count…