Dim args, emailBody, emailRecipient, emailAttach, emailTitle, MsgAll, Resp
no plenter.vbs file
Yeah I know embedding VBScript in HTML is evil, but I often need to work with such stuff :(
However, even with VBScript installed Sublime Text 2 thinks that stuff inside -Tags with language="VBScript"…
pyenv installation on windows is successful
Also, "pyenv --version" showing installed version.
but on calling pyenv
showing error as "Input Error: There is no script engine for file extension ".v…
Read the complete post at hMS Forum, getting confused and lots of errors.
Can you please provide the eventhandler.vbs code for this please.
@echo off
title Windows 10 ALL version activator&cls&echo ************************************ &echo Supported products:&echo - Windows 10 Home&echo - Windows 10 Professional&echo - Windows 10 Enterp…
- Uninstaller fails to find Git if the script is run from a non-administrator Windows user account and Git is installed in user directory e.g. `%LOCALAPPDATA%\Programs\Git`.
The goal here should be:
* [ ] List all the data sets that are needed
* [ ] Give instructions on how to access the data
* [ ] Give instructions on how to determine the file sizes for all the data…