We found some grib files with data that cannot be read correctly by NGrib.
I attached a zip file with a grib file in which three datasets are decoded incorrectly.
For convenience, I also attached …
We have features like the mysql compatibility, which were contributed by users but are of no interest to NOAA.
We will not write testing or documentation for these codes.
Instead, let's move th…
EDIT: I think the formatting comes from wgrib2:
Vertical Levels
v5.1.0 has problems with the NCEP-defined rotated lat lon grids as used by NAM. Was trying
to interpolate from NAM NCEP-defined rotated lat-lon to a 1 degree global lat lon grid. The domain
of t…
I can't get the latest code the way the docs say in https://wgrib2-docs.readthedocs.io/en/latest/user_guide/compile.html. Please advise.
Build just one version of wgrib2 which handles rotated lat/lon.
May post the same issue in the UPP repository.
wgrib2 rrfs.t12z.prslev.f003.conus_3km.grib2 -match APCP
820:737929943:d=2024040212:APCP:surface:2-3 hour acc fcst: (max 29.375)
I updated my NCEPLIBS/ip to v5.1.0. Rebuilt wgrib2 and
tried it on my WMO rotated lat-lon (COSMO), and it worked.
However my NCEP rotated lat-lon (NAM) file failed to give
the proper domain.
Confirm the steps outlined on [this wiki page](https://github.com/NOAA-OWP/ngen-forcing/wiki/NextGen-Forcings-Engine-Standalone-Instructions-to-Construct-a-NextGen-Forcing-File-for-Calibration-Retrosp…
There are a bunch of *.dat files in the code directory,
Could these be moved to a subdirectory?
Also, do these have to be installed for wgrib2 to work? I assume so.
We can consider this for t…