What do you think of AcMailer. Should we use it in favour our own Mailservice Classes?
the yawik/orders modul is loaded.https://github.com/cross-solution/YAWIK/blob/odm-module3/config/modules.php#L21
it has to be removed later in #613
You'll get a "getTimestamp() on null" error.
[2021-01-04 16-20-…
Demo Database contains:
"atsMode" : {
"mode" : "uri",
"uri" : "javascript:alert('xss');\">alert('xss');
I tried implementing the HybridAuth options.
I configured both LinkedIn and Xing.
And while LinkedIn works without problem Xing does not.
When I click the Button I get the following Messa…
can we use our new [viewHelper](https://github.com/cross-solution/YAWIK/blob/master/module/Core/src/View/Helper/FormatLocation.php) when saving the "location" in solr?
The value, which is stored in…
The subnavigationlistener is always invoked even if there is no subnavigation like JSON-Responses.
There should be a possibility to call the subnavigation only if needed.
root@yawik:/var/www/jobs.yawik.org# bin/console jobs expire --info
10 Jobs
ERROR: application encountered an error and can not continue. Error was logged
look at
Fatal Error
Bei der Eingabe einer Anzeige sollen die Felder "Multiposting" und "Notiz des Kunden" entfernt werden.
@HORDCA richtig?
`mikemix/zf2htmlpurifier` is missing as a dependency in module/Jobs/composer.json (I guess)
[Thu Nov 29 08:53:38 2018] [500]: /de/jobs/editTemplate/5bff9b008dc1b333168b456e - Cla…