Previous versions allowed to enter hostname in ip address.
now in version 0.5 it must be an ip address.
Please change back to allow hostnames again in IP Address field
My miners are all set to …
Well i got error now ....
builtins.IndexError IndexError: list index out of range
hi when issue : python manage.py run -h -p 5000
i get this message: typeerror enviroment can only contain strings
and quits.
please help
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/flask/app.py", line 2309, in __call__
def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
"""The WSGI server calls the Flask application object a…
gddrx updated
4 years ago
Antminer a3 really only gets effectively 350gh because of cash2 block times. Per them:
This is normal. It is due to Cash2's fast block times. The miner has to constantly switch to min…
3ricj updated
5 years ago
I'm getting an error after I try and login with the default user admin/antminermonitor
OperationalError: (sqlite3.OperationalError) no such table: user
Antminer D3 (Blissz beta) Я понимаю, что прошивка не поддерживается, но при небольшом изменении скриптов, все работает.
Суть проблемы: cgminer запускается через start-stop-daemon, причем запускается …
gl00m updated
5 years ago
Using this wallet and p2pool version will cause the Antminer L3++ to stall, non-functional. Rolling back wallet to 6.16 will resume function.
its look like a interesting project also the stastistic is in a good overview but one main parameter to compare different Algos also different Hashrates is the difficulty.
> For example if Bi…
Hi, dev. I am not sure if you will support other "hiden" algos for Baikal N?