This is the tracking issue for RFC 2394 (rust-lang/rfcs#2394), which adds async and await syntax to the language.
I will be spearheading the implementation work of this RFC, but would appreciate me…
Can we somehow separate all hardware specific stuff and run the flight controller only as an executable? I have done work simulating flight control for ardupilot controller (see video below demonstrat…
Currently all examples just recreate every plot from scratch and most data changes are not listened to. Needs fixing.
Testing IO programs is not easy right now. One must either use heavy-duty, type-unsafe, and dysfunctional mocking machinery from the world of Java, or one must invent a lot of custom and complex machi…
Hi, I recently attempted to make the switch to butterflight and am having issues running 32khz sampling. I'm running the betaflight f7 on 3.4.2 with the icm20602 gyro enabled and it reads 100% cpu loa…
There is any chance to make autotune function, by fc? maybe use blackbox log.
my model parameters are all categorical, should I still use BO with RF? As my understanding, it seems similar to Random Search.
Theano Version: '1.0.2'
I get the following error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/rishi_gurnani/localpy/Python-3.5.5/Lib/multiproc…
- **WP4:** [User Interfaces](https://github.com/OpenDreamKit/OpenDreamKit/tree/master/WP4)
- **Lead Institution:** Simula Research Laboratory
- **Due:** 2018-08-31 (month 36)
- **Nature:** Other
minrk updated
5 years ago
1. I'm running Betaflight 3.3.0 RC2 on Omnibus F7 V2 FC (original, from Airbot). I started to get following issues:
a) I am running ICM gyroscope (set gyro-to-use = 0)
b) I turn on 32K mode
c) I se…